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Donate to the work of The Salvation Army and make a difference

In response to our calling from God, The Salvation Army has an active and vibrant outreach, whether through its faith communities or its community work. Thousands of people – ranging in age from new-born to the elderly – depend on the outreach of The Salvation Army, through soup kitchens, homes for children, rehabilitation centres, or home-based care for the sick and elderly, to mention some of the ways in which we care for people. Without the support of The Salvation Army, life would be that much more difficult and sometimes unbearable for many of them.

In order to provide this support, however, The Salvation Army depends on the generosity of members of the public whose donations enable us to continue our ministry. There are a number of ways in which you can support The Salvation Army:



We would love to thank you for your gift to The Salvation Army and our work, please fill out the form below with your information once you have made your donation so that we can get in touch with you.




Make an Electronic Funds Transfer or payment into our bank account for ministry needs. The details are as follows:

Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Braamfontein
Branch code: 251905
Account name: Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
Account number: 50540087604
Reference: Please give your name as a reference

Note: Please share your information using the "+ I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE DETAILS OF MY DONATION" dropdown form above so we can thank you and stay in touch with our various projects. Link to the form now.


The GivenGain group was founded in July 2001 by two brothers inspired by the idea that “it is more blessed to give that to receive”. Today, it has become an important part of the emergence of an organised, private, non-profit sector that has quietly taken its place as a major economic, social and political force in nations around the world.

Note: Please share your information using the "+ I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE DETAILS OF MY DONATION" dropdown form above so we can thank you and stay in touch with our various projects. Link to the form now.


Donate to the Salvation Army - Pay using the SnapScan app.
Download and access the SnapScan app here


Step 1. Snap.
Open your banking app to scan the SnapCode displayed.

Step 2. Donate.
Enter the amount you want to donate and confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

Step 3. Share your Details!
That’s it. You’re done! Please share your information using the dropdown form at the top of the page.

Note: Please share your information using the "+ I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE DETAILS OF MY DONATION" dropdown form above so we can thank you and stay in touch with our various projects. Link to the form now.





Make an Electronic Funds Transfer or payment into our bank account for ministry needs. The details are as follows:

Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Braamfontein
Branch code: 251905
Account name: Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
Account number: 50540087604
Reference: Please give your name as a reference


Donate blankets and clothing through a local corps, divisional headquarters or territorial headquarters.


Leave a bequest in your will. For details, please contact the Public Relations Secretary by email here, or by telephone at 011-718-6745.


Donate R30 by sending an SMS to 42290 with one of the following words:

BLANKET – for a contribution to purchase blankets
FOOD – for a contribution to a soup kitchen or similar outreach
CHILDREN – for a contribution to children’s ministries
ELDERLY – for a contribution to ministry for the elderly
REHABILITATION – for a contribution to a rehabilitation centre
TRAFFICKING – for a contribution to the fight against human trafficking

Note: Please share your information using the "+ I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE DETAILS OF MY DONATION" dropdown form above so we can thank you and stay in touch with our various projects. Link to the form now.