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Family Tracing

What is the missing persons service?


Our goal is to reunite relatives who mutually desire contact; possibly fill the void many people feel because they are missing their loved ones; simply learn of the missing person’s well being in those cases in which the missing person desires no contact.

What we offer:

Family reunification/ A second chance: We try to reconnect families who have been out of touch for various reasons. We offer the opportunity to rebuild ties and relationships within the family. We aim to facilitate contact by providing resources and emotional/ spiritual support to both the inquirer and the missing relative.
Intermediary services: Our intermediary service is not provided by other search agencies. Our unique letter forwarding service is a way for both parties to communicate without releasing the missing persons whereabouts. It is an opportunity for families to begin a relationship and determine if a reunion is possible. This wonderful option also allows the reunification process to begin slowly, instead of being caught unaware by a phone call or visit.

Protection of privacy:

Although the internet has increased access to information, many privacy laws have been established to protect personal information.
Everything related to the search is Confidential. We need the persons permission in order for us to release any information regarding the missing person.

Are you missing someone? Give us a call.

This daughter found her father through The Salvation Army after they had been out of contact for 14 years

Can you help?

People we are trying to reunite:

BATES, Patricia Joan
Born: 20th July 1952
She is being sought by family members living in England

Born: 26th December 1949
He is being sought by his brother, Barry Beckett.

BRIGHT, Robert James
Born: 30 June 1961
He is being sought by his father, Ronald Edwin Bright.

CONNELLY, Janet McLeod Findlay
Born: 5 February 1953 in Glasgow.
She is being sought by her son, John Connelly.

DUNK, Charles Aubrey
Born: 30 March 1938
Being sought by his brother, Mr Reginald Joseph Dunk, who lives in England.

Born: 13th March 1948
He is being sought by his sister, Edith Wood.

FORBES (nee Gater), Patricia Flossie May
Born: 13th January 1926 in England.
She is being sought by her nephew.

FYFE, Trevor
Born: 8th August 1970 in Scotland.
He is being sought by his mother who lives in England.

GROBLER, Lesley Alyson
Born: 5th February 1960
She is being sought by her mother, Mrs Jeanne Floyd.

HENDERSON, Patrick Robert Stack
Born: 19th April 1946 in Kenya.
Patrick is known by friends in the Richard’s Bay area but is thought to be working in the USA Texas area. He is being sought by his sister.

LEDDIE, William
Born: 31st October 1944
Died: 14th January 2004 in Port Elizabeth.
Family members are seeking information from anybody who may have known William.