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Men’s Ministries
The purpose of Men’s Fellowship is to encourage and equip men to become
Men of God
Men of Prayer
Men of Service
Men of Fellowship.
The Salvation Army Men’s Fellowship seeks to:
- Provide men with a medium for Christian fellowship where they can grow together in their devotion to Christ through Bible study
- Promote prayer support systems among men and help them foster strong relationships, endeavouring to bring men into fellowship with God
- Encourage involvement of every man in the corps programme and in service in the community
- Promote strong family ties through education and discussions particularly in regard to the man’s role in family life. In addition, to provide education in vocational skills and promote recreational activities.
Men of God
Men are encouraged to stop taking a back seat on spiritual matters. Not only are men responsible for the growth and development of their personal lives, they also have a contribution to make with regard to family and community spiritual life and development.
Men of Prayer
Paul writes to Timothy (1 Timothy 2.8), “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” Men’s Fellowship encourages teaching about prayer as well as the development of both personal and group prayer.
Men of Service
A practical aspect of Men’s Fellowship is to take responsibility for the maintenance of Salvation Army properties. Men are taught and encouraged in the use of maintenance skills as they care for corps buildings, officers quarters and assist at Salvation Army social centres. This ministry is also extended into the community as a form of service to individuals or deserving organisations.
Men of Fellowship
Men need time to be together; to enjoy recreational activities and to be of support and encouragement to each other.
Young Men’s Fellowship commitments:
- I promise to be faithful and trustful to the four-fold ministry as set out in the guidelines
- I promise, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to follow the appointed leaders from time to time
- I promise to live my life by being a good example to all young men at all times
- I will never engage in any form of abuse of human beings, including women and children
- I will seek to protect all those I come across
- I will uphold the dignity of all human beings at all times
- I will strive to reach out to other young men in my community, seeking to introduce them to the Good News of Jesus Christ