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Falling currency will impact on services to marginalised

Sunday, 13 December 2015 I  For immediate release

The Salvation Army is concerned at the knock-on impact of the falling rand on marginalised people in South Africa and on the organisation’s ability to provide services to this sector.

Territorial Commander of The Salvation Army in South Africa, Colonel Keith Conrad, said that the ongoing poor performance of the currency would have a negative impact on all non-profit organisations, including the Church.

“The fall in the currency in the wake of President Zuma’s sudden decision to redeploy the former Finance Minister and to appoint a new Finance Minister is of great concern to organisations that serve the marginalised of society, such as ours. We rely on the generosity of the public to continue providing care for abused women and children, the homeless, abandoned babies and those struggling with addiction.

“As the economy is further squeezed, our generous donors will find themselves less able to share their resources with us, placing additional pressure on our already depleted resources,” he added.

Colonel Conrad called on President Zuma to prayerfully consider what impact any future decisions may have on the country as a whole, and to act to prevent any further destabilising of the currency.

“We assure all South Africans of our ongoing prayers for the country at this difficult time,” Colonel Conrad added.

The Southern Africa Territory of The Salvation Army encompasses four countries – South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland – and the island of St Helena. Its officers, soldiers and full-time employees provide their spiritual and community services through approximately 230 corps (churches), societies and outposts, as well as through schools, hospitals, institutions for children, street children, the elderly, men and abused women, and daycare, goodwill, rehabilitation and social centres.


Media Contact: Ruth Coggin
Tel: 011-487-0026
Cell: 082-903-5819
Click here to e-mail Ruth
Client Contact: Major Carin Holmes
Public Relations Secretary
Tel: 011-718-6745
Cell: 082-994-4351
Click here to e-mail Carin