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Music festival to celebrate 130 years of The Salvation Army
Tuesday, 29th October 2013 I For immediate release
A music festival featuring the South African Navy Band is one of the ways in which The Salvation Army plans to celebrate 130 years of its presence in South Africa.
The festival will be held on 7 November at the Baxter Theatre, starting at 19h00. Donation tickets of R50 each can be purchased from Computicket.
When “The Salvation Army” is mentioned, the words raise different memories within different people. For the older generation they will remember the marching bands and perhaps mention that they were born in The Salvation Army’s Booth Memorial Hospital.
In modern times, this outreach is expressed in initiatives to address social ills in communities such as deprivation of food and water, lack of shelter, inadequate access to education, the sale of pornography, and the exploitation of women and children for sexual purposes, among other initiatives. The Anti-Human Trafficking toll free help line (0800073728) is a modern expression of service to a suffering community.
This is achieved through schools, hospitals, institutions for children, the elderly, men and abused women, daycare, goodwill, rehabilitation and social centres, as well as projects undertaken by local corps (churches).
The work of The Salvation Army in South Africa began with the arrival of Majors Francis and Rose Simmonds and Lieutenant Alice Teager in Cape Town harbour on Saturday 24 February 1883.
Today, The Salvation Army is represented by nearly 250 corps and outposts (churches) in South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, the Island of St Helena, and Swaziland where the Christian message is preached in 10 languages.
In November National Salvation Army Month will be celebrated around the country and the Western Cape Division has many community events planned, one of which is the music festival.
For more information regarding The Salvation Army and the events planned for November, call Carolyn on 021 761 8530.
The Southern Africa Territory of The Salvation Army encompasses four countries – South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland – and the island of St Helena. Its officers, soldiers and full-time employees provide their spiritual and community services through approximately 230 corps (churches), societies and outposts, as well as through schools, hospitals, institutions for children, street children, the elderly, men and abused women, and daycare, goodwill, rehabilitation and social centres.
Media Contact: Ruth Coggin
Tel: 011-487-0026
Cell: 082-903-5819
Click here to e-mail Ruth
Client Contact: Major Carin Holmes
Public Relations Secretary
Tel: 011-718-6745
Cell: 082-994-4351
Click here to e-mail Carin