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South African Salvation Army Advertising Campaign Becomes Worldwide Phenomenon

London, 6 March 2015/IHQ/ – AN innovative Salvation Army campaign in South Africa to raise awareness of domestic abuse has taken social media by storm. Only a few hours after a hard-hitting advert was published, the social media reach had hit more than 16 million people, with no signs of a slow-down.

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Easter 2013 Celebrations

Join us for our Easter Celebrations in Cape Town with Special Guests Commissioners William & Thalitha Langa. To find out all the information on this event, click the “Read more” link.

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The Salvation Army warns about bogus operator

Major Carin Holmes, Territorial Public Relations Secretary of The Salvation Army, has warned the public to be on the lookout for a bogus representative of the organisation currently operating in the Krugersdorp / Roodepoort area.

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New session of cadets “Disciples of the Cross” welcome events

To find out all the information on this event, click the “Read more” link.

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Proclaimers of the Resurrection – Commissioning and Ordination

To find out all the information on this event, click the “Read more” link.

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Commissioning accommodation available

Accomodation will be available for the Commissioning and Ordination of the “Proclaimers of the Resurrection” session in Thoyoyandou from 7 – 9 December 2012. Read further for more information.

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International leader of The Salvation Army to visit SA

General Linda Bond – international leader of The Salvation Army – will be visiting South Africa

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Mission Team brings Brazilian flavour to International Headquarters

YOUNG Salvationists from Brazil have brought a splash of South American colour and rhythm to International Headquarters (IHQ) in London. The 36 young people – members of the Brazil Territory’s mission team to the London 2012 Olympic Games – were shown around IHQ and met General Linda Bond before presenting two dance routines in the public cafe.

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CAREHAVEN – home for abused women and children – assists the poor

We went out today to do a soup run among the poor at a nearby informal settlement.

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