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Praying for the Nation

As people of faith, in a country in between the passion and the resurrection, we are called to read the signs of the times with the power and optimism of the resurrection faith, and inspire hope through our actions and pronouncements.

We are called to pray and act for the things that make for peace and justice in the land.  We are called to intensify our prayers for our country while we resolve to act in the spirit of our prayers. To this end, we add to our other regular prayer programs, our support for the call of the prayer movements of South Africa, incorporating 32 prayer networks affiliated to IFSA. They are dedicating the Easter Season from Easter to Pentecost to intensive prayer – “Changing South Africa by Prayer – Praying for the Nation!”

“50 days of joint prayer by various prayer networks and denominations across South Africa to speak love and blessings over South Africa in a united effort.”
