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Self Denial Appeal 2017
2017 Self-Denial Appeal is here and it is our time to once again remember how blessed and fortunate we are to have the resources and facilities at our disposal in many parts of our country. The theme for this year’s appeal is ‘LOVE changes lives’.
“Freely you have received; freely give.”
Matthew 10:8
Will you give one week’s salary to change lives?
We will be bringing you some amazing stories of people from communities in The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Mexico who have been greatly assisted through the Self Denial Appeal. The Self Denial Appeal is the Salvation Army’s annual appeal to raise funds for Salvation Army mission and ministry in countries that are unable to financially support themselves. Self-Denial (or OWSOMS) is all about us sacrificing just a small portion of all we have and giving it to others that need it. It’s a true biblical concept.
The old term (OWSOMS) challenged us to offer One Weeks Salary on Missionary Service, which sounds huge but if we plan in advance, it’s a really cool goal to meet.
How does the money get used?
All the money raised through Self Denial is sent to our International Headquarters in London, and they send ALL the money DIRECTLY to where the needs are. There are no administration costs or other bits and pieces taken out – everything goes straight to countries that desperately need it. You’ll find out more about some of the countries the appeal supports through the up-coming DVD series.
Tell your people about why you give to the Self Denial Appeal, set a public faith-goal with your corps, teach strongly the blessing of sacrificial giving.
The Army’s mission is our Mission, it depends on our support, let’s do our best.
For more information on the material please go to