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Self Denial Appeal 2019
Salvation Army founder William Booth always understood that God’s love was to be offered to others; that people in real despair need real hope. And real hope is released through love-filled, practical action. In 1886, Booth called Salvationists to give sacrificially, to deny themselves so that they could offer God’s love to a hurting world. So as Salvationists, we give generously to the Self Denial Appeal knowing that our sacrificial giving changes the world because love changes lives.
This Self Denial Appeal, see how The Salvation Army is helping people be the change through our programs in India, Malaysia, Ecuador and South Africa.
Funds raised through the Self Denial Appeal support the mission and community development work of The Salvation Army in developing countries around the world.
The Self Denial Appeal is your opportunity to be the change in the world. This Self Denial Appeal you will see the stories of Rabi in Malaysia, Edison from Ecuador and Kwanele from South Africa. All people whose lives have been transformed through the Self Denial Appeal. It is our prayer that these stories will challenge you to see how you can show love to your neighbours in some of the world’s most vulnerable locations.
This year’s video series and devotional resource explores the theme “Be the change” in line with the scripture from 2 Corinthians 9:11, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
As we approach the Self Denial Appeal for 2019, please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift. Can you give one week’s salary to effect change in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable?
The 2019 Self Denial Appeal is our first as one Australia Territory. Let’s be the change and enable thanksgiving to God.
Thank you for your commitment to this valuable appeal.
The Self Denial Appeal is your opportunity to be the change in the world. This Self Denial Appeal you will see the stories of Rabi in Malaysia, Edison from Ecuador and Kwanele from South Africa. All people whose lives have been transformed through the Self Denial Appeal. It is our prayer that these stories will challenge you to see how you can show love to your neighbours in some of the world’s most vulnerable locations.
This year’s video series and devotional resource explores the theme “Be the change” in line with the scripture from 2 Corinthians 9:11, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
As we approach the Self Denial Appeal for 2019, please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift. Can you give one week’s salary to effect change in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable?
The 2019 Self Denial Appeal is our first as one Australia Territory. Let’s be the change and enable thanksgiving to God.
Thank you for your commitment to this valuable appeal.
Thank you for your generous support
The Self Denial Appeal 2018 raised more than $3.5 million in Australia alone.The following Mission Support projects were funded in the 2017-18 financial year:
- Ministry training for corps leaders in Tanzania
- Property repairs to five corps buildings and two officers’ quarters in Tanzania
- Repairs to four existing vehicles, and purchase of six motorbikes in Tanzania
- Corps property renovations for the Riga 2 Corps in Latvia
- Vehicle purchased for South East Division of PNG
- Vehicle purchased for the driving school in PNG
Other Projects
Evangelism training for India Northern is in 2018-19 financial year
Officers’ health and wellbeing for Indonesia was funded in this financial year, but from the 2017 Christmas Day offering.The following Community Development projects were funded from the Self Denial Reserve in the 2017-18 financial year:
- Drug prevention program research project in India
- SIMBA anti-human trafficking project in Kenya
- Child protection consultation in Tanzania
- Capacity-building program for communities to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS in Swaziland
- Corps-based community development project in Pakistan
- Sustainable WASH and food security project in Malawi
- Integrated community livelihood development project in Myanmar
Six different officers or staff, most of whom have experienced life and work in developing countries, have written this year’s Self Denial Appeal devotions. The writers are either from the Australia Territory or the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory and bring an appreciation of the difficulties faced by people in developing countries. The 2019 theme, Be the Change, is reflected in each writer’s choice of scripture, and the story of the week is woven into their devotion.
Each devotion includes a passage of scripture, an observation, and discussion questions that can be used in private, family or group settings. A set of six prayer points, provided by each country, is at the end of each devotion – points that are relevant and timely to the specific territory.
We encourage you to use these devotions in preparation for your gift on Altar Service Sunday.
Download the devotional
VERSES is a Christian electronic music trio from Newcastle, Australia. The band members are Luke O’Dea, Jess Clayton O’Dea and Joel O’Dea. Luke and Jess are married, and Luke and Joel are brothers.
The O’Dea brothers grew up in The Salvation Army and were formative members of Northlakes Salvos. Jess later joined the church and all three are integral members of the worship and leadership teams.
VERSES was birthed out of a conviction that Luke had after “trying to grasp the meaning of many of the lyrics to modern Christian music”. The band’s songwriting process began in earnest when the trio took a trip to New York in 2013. The city had a huge spiritual impact on the trio, leading them to start writing “modern day memory verse”.
The band’s vision is simple: to put scripture back into song without losing music quality. “We want our music to be able to stand next to any song on secular radio and be as good or if not better than what is being played,” says Luke.
Luke is the key songwriter and producer, while Joel and Jess are the featured vocalists and also create the visual aspects of the band, including the merchandise.
As a live worship act, the trio is energetic and authentic. Their heart is to engage their audiences in order for them to engage with God. They have toured the United States twice and have featured in some of the largest Christian music festivals around the world.
VERSES believes God’s Word is powerful and that when it is sent out, it will do exactly what it was sent to do. With that in mind, the trio has endeavoured to make all of their music free, releasing their songs only through free streaming or downloading platforms.