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This Valentine’s Day – ‘love never fails’

This Valentine’s Day prove again the Biblical truth that ‘love never fails’ Verse 8, 1 Corinthians 13

Dear Romantic!

Valentine's Appeal Feb 2018Of course you know that St Valentine’s Day is the day you’re going to honour the person closest to your heart. But love is not just about romance. February 14th is also a day to celebrate love in all its forms, and for all Earth’s people.

We ask you to think especially of the thousands of God’s children who find their way into the caring arms of The Salvation Army. While God’s love never fails, human frailty also needs the reassurance that comes from their fellow humans’ love. We cannot emphasise too strongly how important your support is as a tangible acknowledgement of this need.

How it helps us to extend our love and care to the ever-increasing numbers who rely on our help in their desperate need. Let us not fail them.

Please help us extend our hand to all those who seek the love, caring and acceptance we offer. Even the shabbiest, poorest person is one of God’s beloved children, just as we are. And Valentine’s Day is a warm reminder of the importance of love in our lives. Whether it’s an abandoned baby, women and children who’ve suffered cruel abuse, families in trouble, young children needing a caring home, men who are looking for a fresh start after years of living on the streets, the homeless and hungry, or elderly people needing a haven in which to live out their last years, no-one is turned away.

Valentine's Appeal Feb 2018

Yet love is not just about giving, it’s also about receiving. While you don’t get to see the rewards of your support, believe me they are extraordinarily heart-warming − the smiles, the spontaneous expressions of gratitude, in words, hugs, and wet little kisses from little kids.

You must know that you have helped change a life through helping us do God’s work.

For more than 135 years we’ve been practising a special kind of love which has touched the lives of many thousands on a daily basis. To acknowledge the vital role you have played in this transformation, The Salvation Army has had designed a charming birthday and anniversary reminder to record the special dates you want to remember of those you love. As you’ll see, it can go on for many years to come as the important dates are left for you to fill in.

And on this love theme, may you and yours continue to enjoy the Good Lord’s protective love.

Valentine's Appeal Feb 2018

Carin signature
Major Carin Holmes
Public Relations Secretary
Southern Africa Territory

PS: Keep your Dates I Love to Remember where you can check it daily so that you’ll never again miss an important date you truly do not want to forget and so can share, even if it’s only with a phone call.