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Vote responsibly and peacefully, Salvation Army urges

SUNDAY, 5 MAY, 2019 I For immediate release

The Salvation Army has called on every South Africa to make sure that his or her vote in this week’s elections will help create a better country for all.

Speaking in advance of the 8 May elections, Territorial Commissioner Keith Conrad said that South Africans should never take their votes lightly and should always take the time and effort to vote responsibly.

“Voters need to remember that the winning the battle of right to vote was long and hard-fought. To be disinterested and apathetic about voting in 2019 is a betrayal of everything that we have achieved in this country in the past 25 years,” he said.

Commissioner Conrad said that voters need to carefully consider which party will take the interests of all South Africans forward in the future.

“Voting should not be about what is in my best interests. It should be about what is best for the country as a whole. I therefore urge everyone to prayerfully consider how to vote on 8 May and make the choice for a just and fair future for all.”

The Commissioner reminded South Africans of their proud record over the past 25 years of democracy in mostly holding peaceful and fair elections.

“Let us continue to exercise our legacy of tolerance for differing viewpoints and respect for each other, so that we can look back with pride on the 2019 elections,” he added.


Media Contact: Ruth Coggin
Quo Vadis Communications
Tel: 011-487-0026
Cell: 082-903-5819
CLICK HERE to e-mail Ruth Coggin

Client Contact: Major Carin Holmes
Public Relations Secretary
Tel: 011-718-6745
Cell: 082-994-4351
CLICK HERE to e-mail Carin Holmes