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Where to when all avenues close?

All avenues closed for Jackie* and her two sons, Timothy* (9), and Michael* (7). From being a happy family, life changed in the instant that Jackie’s husband, John, was killed in a car accident. Jackie became the sole breadwinner – and then she was retrenched. They managed to survive for four months until they hit… READ MORE…

Your touch of compassion reaches the Eastern Cape

Often called ‘the forgotten province’ people in the Eastern Cape are frequently the last to receive help in times of need. Thanks to friends like you who make it possible, we recently distributed food parcels to homeless individuals in Gqeberha. And in East London, a helping hand was given to over 50 homeless individuals as… READ MORE…

How you put the warmth back into winter

Your response of love and support to our Winter Warmth Drive this year meant that hot nutritious meals and a warm welcome brought much needed comfort to the lines of people who queued up at our churches and headquarters. The distribution of clothes and blankets has also been a gratefully received extra. In the worst… READ MORE…

A thought today can make change possible tomorrow

Every gift you send to keep our Salvation Army programmes running is precious in the reality of giving help to others ‘today’. And you can never be thanked enough for each one of them. But there’s another gift that you might want to consider at some stage. It’s a gift that costs you nothing now.… READ MORE…

Thank you! You were there for the Tongaat tornado victims

There are countries in the world where a tornado can be part of the regular weather pattern. But South Africa isn’t one of those countries. So when a tornado ripped through Tongaat in KwaZulu-Natal on 3 June, it caught everyone off guard. A survivor described the event: “It was a terrifying experience! The sky was… READ MORE…

Seen from here

Seeing from here”, is often disturbing and challenging for me. It’s disturbing, because I see the level of need that exists in our country, in our communities, and in the hidden places where people have lost everything and given up all hope. It’s challenging, because I know that much more needs to be done. And… READ MORE…

Do you remember?

Do you remember being a young person? We’ve no doubt that you were filled with hopes for your future. Perhaps you even had ambitions to change the world? You were at the threshold of your adult life. Sadly today, in an environment of no employment for our young people, those hopes and dreams die. Sometimes… READ MORE…

Thank you for standing with us in Ladysmith

Thank you for standing with us in Ladysmith

Amidst the joy and warmth of the Christmas celebrations for many families, others found themselves grappling with profound grief and unimaginable loss. Again, KZN was the scene of floods.  And your partnership helped us step in to offer assistance alongside the rescue teams to provide support to those who were affected. Amongst these was a… READ MORE…

The wonder of giving

The wonder of giving

It’s said that giving makes us happier people.  We hope that you experience this to be true each time you give to help others through our services. Part of the wonder of giving is that it’s universal whether it’s part of your practice in a faith, stems from your humanitarian concern, or is a personal… READ MORE…

An icon of health and healing

An icon of health and healing

The original of what is now The Booth Memorial Hospital in Cape Town opened its doors on Monday 28 May 1917.  During its time as a maternity unit, 27 000 babies were born there.  Then for a number of years, the hospital was a long-term frail age facility.  And it was finally re-opened as a… READ MORE…

What is a legacy?

What is a legacy?

In everyday terms, a legacy or a bequest is a gift of money or another item of some worth left to a beneficiary in one’s Will. But a real legacy is much more than that. A real legacy is what can also be called an ethical or spiritual legacy.  It’s the way in which you… READ MORE…

Thank you for the joy that you gave at Christmas

Thank you for the joy that you gave at Christmas

“I’m not forgotten.” These were the words of Joseph, as he received the Christmas meal and small gift, provided by donations like yours. They were Joseph’s words, but the sentiment was there in every heart as homeless men, women and children gathered at our Salvation Army Churches and centres across the country.  Gratitude for being… READ MORE…

The South African Timeline 24 February 1883 – ‘The Army of Three’ arrived in Cape Town on the Warwick Castle, to lay the foundations of work in South Africa.  They were young Majors Francis and Rose Simmonds, and Lieutenant Alice Teager. 4 March 1883 – The first meeting is held in the Drill Hall in… READ MORE…

Words from our founder William Booth, the visionary founder of Salvation Army in 1865, will always be remembered by these inspiring words: ‘While women weep, as they do now,I’ll fightWhile little children go hungry, as they do now,I’ll fightWhile men go to prison, in and out, as they do now,I’ll fightWhile there is a drunkard… READ MORE…

You already help in so many ways…

You already help in so many ways…

And every single way is appreciated more than you can know. But there’s also a way of helping which costs you nothing now.  This way is a promise to the future, which can be changed at any time – by including The Salvation Army as a beneficiary in your Will. First and foremost, your Will… READ MORE…

Thank you for your role in 140 years of caring

Thank you for your role in 140 years of caring

Going back to the very beginning, it was in 1865 in the east end of London UK, that William Booth a fiery Methodist minister, made a decision. He could no longer preach the Christian Gospel to people who were suffering without also addressing their suffering. He abandoned the comfort of his pulpit to take his… READ MORE…

These are the services and projects that you help to provide

These are the services and projects that you help to provide

Feeding in Braamfontein. In the icy winter wind, three women sit on a concrete bench, each warming their hands around a cup of hot soup.  Pretty, Nosiphiwe, Porcha and Ntombi all tell the same sad story of being homeless and sleeping under bridges, in doorways and on park benches.  Even with experience none of them… READ MORE…

Seen from here

Seen from here

2023 Is a landmark year in which, thanks to the compassionate generosity of valued supporters and friends like you, The Salvation Army celebrates 140 years of serving the people of Southern Africa. We are deeply and sincerely grateful for your partnership and your constancy in making real differences in the lives of our fellow citizens… READ MORE…

Important tax information

Important tax information

It’s important for us to recognise your generosity by providing you with your Section 18A tax certificate so that you can claim some benefit from your donations. It’s therefore important for you to know that changes to the Non-Profit Act now require a donor’s tax number (if available) and ID number to be on the… READ MORE…

Farewell and Welcome

Farewell and Welcome

We say a fond farewell to Major Velani Buthelezi as he takes up his new appointment as Divisional Commander for the Northern KZN Division. Major Buthelezi has been our Public Relations Officer and editor for the Reporter for the past three years. We wish him well in his new appointment. And we extend a warm… READ MORE…

Giving our children affirmation

Giving our children affirmation

Carl Sithole Children’s Home is a haven of safety and peace. The 87 children aged between three and 18 years here come into our care through the Courts and Child Welfare. Sadly, they are generally orphaned, neglected, abused or abandoned. Some are HIV positive. For many, this is the first time they have a place… READ MORE…

You made Christmas real – thank you

You made Christmas real – thank you

This scene at Johannesburg City Corps could be one of any Salvation Army Centres in towns and cities across the country – thanks to the kindness of friends like you. Christmas on the street! Where is the joy of the day? On Christmas morning last year, an early line of men, women and children (mostly… READ MORE…

2023 – It’s back to school

2023 – It’s back to school

With the relaxation of the summer holidays over, January brought a flurry of preparations for ‘back to school’ at our Joseph Baynes Children’s home in Pentrich, Pietermaritzburg. School uniforms have had to be organised, together with stationery for 55 children. And based on our 100% pass rate for the last two years, it’s been a… READ MORE…

After the floods – you were with us

After the floods – you were with us

Most people have quickly forgotten about the floods that destroyed great parts of KwaZulu Natal in 2022 – except those who experienced the loss and devastation, and its aftermath. Besides the damage to infrastructures including roads, health care, schools and communication, over 12 000 homes were destroyed. Tragically, 448 people died, and 40 000 others… READ MORE…

140 Years of growing side by side

140 Years of growing side by side

I’m grateful for the opportunity to return to our Public Relations Department this year. This comes at a time when a lot has changed due to the increasing number of challenges our society is facing – unemployment, load shedding, and the ever-rising cost of living. And the Church is not immune to those challenges. Despite… READ MORE…

Paying tribute to our ‘greatest treasure’

Paying tribute to our ‘greatest treasure’

One of Nelson Mandela’s most pertinent quotes was: “Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.” “This year’s Child Protection Week was supported by many events throughout the country, the main theme of the events was to highlight… READ MORE…

Fires flare and set sensitive areas ablaze

Fires flare and set sensitive areas ablaze

Around midnight, fire broke out in the Kwa Mai Mai informal settlement in downtown Johannesburg on Sunday, June 12, killing one person and leaving many injured, and hundreds of residents homeless. The cause of the blaze is unclear. Within hours more than 400 shacks were burnt to the ground. Victims watched helplessly as the fire… READ MORE…

Love comes in warm knits

Love comes in warm knits

Exquisite hand-knitted jerseys and beanies presented to the Ethembeni Children’s Home, were so special one felt they could have been inspired by top fashion couturiers.  They were lovingly made by the ‘knitting’ ladies at Riverside Manor Retirement Estate and the Bryanston Sports Club Bowls Section, says Major Bongi Zulu administrator at Ethembeni. This has been… READ MORE…

Bikers bring truckloads of blessings to Mission

Bikers bring truckloads of blessings to Mission

It’s Sunday morning and there’s an excited buzz at the Krugersdorp Family Mission Centre, as the residents and staff lay out tables and chairs in the garden and staff in the kitchen are hard at work preparing hot dogs and bacon and egg rolls.  Then, suddenly all you can hear is the revs from 150… READ MORE…

Vicious floods destroy much of KZN

Vicious floods destroy much of KZN

In April and May this year, deep in the night, the heavens opened up and unleashed the most vicious storms in KwaZulu-Natal, storms that not only ravished homes, washed away infrastructure, and worst of all took lives. Awakening to this massively destructive noise made the shock of the event even more devastating. Rushing floodwaters not… READ MORE…

A father-figure in spirit

A father-figure in spirit

Last year Lindiwe Ngcobo* matriculated with three distinctions, thrilling “Daddy” Owen, formally known as Lt. Owen Mutize. After quite a short time at Carl Sithole he endeared himself so much to the kids, so desperate for a family, that they started referring to him as Daddy. This is how “our children” think of Salvation Army… READ MORE…

The art of handling success

The art of handling success

Elizabeth* came to Joseph Baynes Children’s home in Pietermaritzburg as an orphan of just two years old. A happy and cheery child, she always excelled at school and it was no surprise when she passed matric last year with a university entrance. She is now at Pretoria University doing a three-year degree in Creative Arts.… READ MORE…

Kids face terror-loaded transition

Kids face terror-loaded transition

There’s a saying that’s attributed to some long-ago movie star “Old age is not for sissies!” Yet, in this day and age the challenges that face the young, who’ve come through massively disadvantaged backgrounds, are terror-filled. Nobody understands these more than The Salvation Army who have nurtured many such young people throughout their lives. Our… READ MORE…

Hope for the future

Hope for the future

Passionate and enthusiastic, Lt. Owen believes everyone is born with hope and a need to make a difference, sadly this hope is too often crippled in life by lack of opportunity. The Salvation Army has an excellent reputation for giving our children the kind of caring and attention that makes them excel. Of course, this… READ MORE…

Victims of unspeakable crimes find new life in Beth Shan

Victims of unspeakable crimes find new life in Beth Shan

There is no worse crime than gender-based violence and human trafficking. The Salvation Army is shouldering responsibility of rebuilding lives at our facility at Beth Shan in Pretoria. The stories are so horrific it even takes guts to read them. The victims, especially of domestic abuse, come to us broken, dehumanised and their fight back… READ MORE…

Giving kiddies a kick-start in life

Giving kiddies a kick-start in life

In White City, Jabavu, in the heart of Soweto is a gem of love and happiness known as the Bridgman Crèche. It caters for 50 toddlers aged from one to five years. Each weekday it’s alive with the excited babble of the learners who are divided into three classes – for one to two year… READ MORE…

Can men who become monsters be forgiven?

Can men who become monsters be forgiven?

I cannot stress how important a good, strong and loving family unit is. The most successful families always do best when the head of the family is a strong and loving man. A ‘real man’ does not bully, he does not belittle, and he never hits a woman or child nor does he abuse an… READ MORE…

God and this safe haven get lives back on track

God and this safe haven get lives back on track

The Salvation Army Family Mission Centre in Krugersdorp is making astonishing differences to people who are on the verge of despair. This centre offers a home to families who are really facing major difficulties – a room and three meals a day per person at an incredibly inexpensive rate. We can take up to 55… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2021

The Reporter – Spring 2021

The heartbeat of 80/156 broken hearts, now joined in a joyous reach for a good life, creates a symphony that vibrates through the Carl Sithole Centre in Klipspruit, Soweto. It was named after this Major of The Salvation Army who devoted his life to bettering the lives of young people and so help them rise… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2021

The Reporter – Autumn 2021

When the Cape’s forest fires get out of hand in a blaze, the sight is spectacular. When the blaze in the informal settlement of Masiphumelele, near FishHoek, took hold before Christmas it was terrifying. There can be few experiences worse than seeing your entire life go up in flames. Frightened and helpless, residents watched as… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2020

The Reporter – Autumn 2020

Lisa* was a lovely young mother of three when a gang of males decided to have their ‘fun’ with her and set about raping her for what seemed like hours. Her tears and screams did not stop them from continuing to have their enjoyment. Inevitably their crime resulted in a pregnancy. Nine months later Precious*… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2019

The Reporter – Spring 2019

It was glorious, warm Highveld weather − perfect to celebrate Mandela Day. There was a sense of excitement as tables were brought to the front of our Salvation Army headquarters in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Then Karina Haynes and her friendly staff arrived from the Parktonian Hotel (our neighbour) with two enormous, piping hot pots of soup… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2019

The Reporter – Autumn 2019

The trip into the heart of Northern KZN takes you through some glorious scenery – the majestic Amajuba Mountains, carpeted with pink, mauve and white Cosmos as Easter approaches, through flatter, once-rich, coal mining areas into Vryheid. Then deep into the sparsely populated, undeveloped really rural Zululand, steeped in centuries-old traditions and today’s scourge –… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2018

The Reporter – Spring 2018

When a mother and her kids have been through the trauma of abuse, and are still in a state of shock and fear, when even a slightly raised voice can turn them into quivering wrecks, their transformation when they come to Carehaven is almost miraculous. At this Salvation Army shelter for abused women and their… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2018

The Reporter – Autumn 2018

  That’s a pretty sharp description of The Salvation Army Montpelier Corps (church) in Durban − a hive of non-stop activity, helping an unceasing flood of humanity desperately in need of care and assistance. At 6:45a.m. it’s as if a hot, wet blanket’s been wrapped around you, it’s already that hot and humid in Durban… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2017

The Reporter – Spring 2017

The viciousness of the fires that ravaged the Eastern and Western Cape this winter brought to mind the fury of the flames of hell. Some victims described to us how they watched, helplessly, as 50-foot high flames (15 m) marched inexorably onto their properties, their precious homes, at relentless speed, devouring and killing everything in… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2017

The Reporter – Autumn 2017

THE TRAGEDY OF ORPHANS WITH NO ONE TO CARE Set among rolling hills and valleys and majestic forests is our Northern KwaZulu-Natal Division. Yet beneath the beauty of this countryside, with its picturesque thatched kraals dotting the landscape, lies a community that is plagued by poverty and the devastation to family life wrought by diseases… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2016

The Reporter – Spring 2016

WHERE WOMEN RECOVER FROM THE UNSPEAKABLE When you hear the stories that come out of Beth Shan, a Salvation Army protective home for abused and trafficked women, it’s difficult to believe that this is happening today … that this is what so-called human beings are doing to women, adults and children. Here they come to… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2016

The Reporter – Autumn 2016

‘Good Samaritans’ purvey evil This sickening story, related to a Salvation Army worker by a victim and ultimate survivor of human trafficking, proves that this abomination of mankind is flourishing in South Africa. Jenny* and her friend Fiona* set off for a long weekend, full of fun and laughter. The sky was blue, cattle grazed… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2015

The Reporter – Spring 2015

The harsh reality behind the glamour The ladies of the night. What a charming euphemism to describe the women in the world’s oldest profession, hinting at glamour and romance. But the reality of prostitution is sad – and sordid. So what was I, Major Carin Holmes, doing mingling with these women on this dark, cold… READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2015

The Reporter – Autumn 2015

Recent activities have turned the popular perception of The Salvation Army on its head. Last year we shocked South Africa by taking a stall at a Johannesburg ‘Sexpo’ to highlight our work against human trafficking. We made a fantastic impression – and garnered a lot of support! READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2014

The Reporter – Spring 2014

The kids from Flamingo Park, the informal settlement in Claremont, Cape Town, come from pretty tough backgrounds. Parents are invariably drug or alcohol addicts – and there’s no other social support. READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2014

The Reporter – Autumn 2014

It’s a Saturday in Gauteng, the rain is belting down and there seems no let up. At lunch time my cellphone rings: it’s Major Tersia Finn at the Krugersdorp Family Mission Care Centre. “I doubt if it will be worth coming to the Kids’ Club today”, she says, “the rain is bound to put them off”. READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2013

The Reporter – Autumn 2013

It’s five a.m, starting to get light, wake-up time for school-goers at the Joseph Baynes Children’s Home in Pentrich, Pietermaritzburg. A scramble to wash faces, brush teeth, get dressed, make it to breakfast – nourishing oats and milk – by 5.45. The kids grab their sandwich and juice lunch-pack and rush for the buses that leave at 6:30 sharp to head for the 16 local schools. READ MORE…

The Reporter – Summer 2012

The Reporter – Summer 2012

Altough The Salvation Army has been in Swaziland for 25 years, it seems to be a fairly well-kept secret, so we’d like to introduce ourselves formally. The name is, of course, well known but all the activities with which we are involved, here in Swaziland, are not common knowledge. READ MORE…

The Reporter – Spring 2011

The Reporter – Spring 2011

It’s Mandela Day and the excitement is almost palpable at Diepkloof Combined School in the Diepkloof township and informal settlement west of Johannesburg. It’s a fact that many children living in Diepkloof come to school on an empty stomach, and have no food to eat at lunchtime. READ MORE…

The Reporter – Autumn 2011

The Reporter – Autumn 2011

She picks up the tiny mite crying in her cot. She holds her tenderly, rocking backwards and forwards till the crying becomes a whimper, then stops altogether. In a warm, spontaneous gesture, her cheek rests gently on the baby’s head and she quietly speaks the baby’s name. READ MORE…